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Product Solutions

Radar Video Recording Systems

Comfile Witness

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Hindsight Witness Radar Video Recorders have been supplied in large numbers to the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force and other armed forces around the world for:

  • Operational and Tactical Analysis;
  • Intelligence Gathering;
  • Radar and System Development;
  • Training.
Navy Radar Operations

Recordings can be used in operator training, for radar system development, in traffic analysis and planning, and for incident investigation in support of legal actions or insurance claims.
Radar recording also has a potentially invaluable role to play in search and rescue operations.

Radar Recorders can be used in radar operator training as an alternative to costly radar simulators and real radar monitoring.

Innovative Technology

Witness has been developed out of more than 15 years experience in the design and manufacture of radar recording systems for many different applications.

A feature of Witness is the integration of serveral innovative electronic systems such as Dynamic Signal Quality Monitoring. 

Radar System Compatibility

Witness is fully compatible with almost every type of radar. The recorder has standard inputs for trigger, video and azimuth, and a heading marker.

Optional interfaces, on plug-in cards, are available to meet the need for different radar formats, and to enable additional navigation information to be recorded on the same cassette.

Witness Target Markets and Applications


Vertical Markets




Radar Training

Radar Operator Training checkmark_sm_red.gif (81 bytes) checkmark_sm_red.gif (81 bytes) checkmark_sm_red.gif (81 bytes)
Traffic Surveillance checkmark_sm_red.gif (81 bytes) checkmark_sm_red.gif (81 bytes)  
Search and Rescue checkmark_sm_red.gif (81 bytes)    
Radar System Testing checkmark_sm_red.gif (81 bytes) checkmark_sm_red.gif (81 bytes) checkmark_sm_red.gif (81 bytes)
Interactive Remote Business Management   checkmark_sm_red.gif (81 bytes)  









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